Once we have measurements of all your windows and doors and your project Location we can have an estimate ready for you the SAME DAY!!
Our Permit Runner and Engineers will start working on your permit right away so by the time of the installation is done inspections can take place.
All our products are custom made which means that production time can vary based on the project. Good things tame time tho.
The wait is over.!!
Even though Construction is messy we can take care of your installation very fast and very clean. In a matter of days your house is ready to enjoy the view through your new windows and doors.
City Permit Fees
Fees are payed by the Owner. Permits, insurance, bonds, etc, are made to protect the owner. The City Inspector acts as 3rd party working for the owner inspecting that work was done according to code.
Schedule of Payments
As an industry standard for Impact windows and doors the schedule is as fallow:
50% of the entire project as a deposit,
40% to release materials from the factory
10% after the permit has been closed.
Special Inspector
We offer an in house Engineer to inspect our projects and expedite the inspection process.
Glass Tint
Make sure to see all available options. Even when yo have a tint on your glass its still visible once lights are on and is dark outside.
Bronze Frame
White and bronze frames are powder coated paints. If you use bronze finish on the aluminum frames and is directly hit by the sun it will get clearer with time. Every manufacturer has this issue.